As easy as 1,2,3

1 2 3 -  it's so easy to bring order out of chaos

This little number will amaze you

Even a child can do this one.

Please write down a random number, anywhere from zero to as large as you like. Now, please make sure that all zeros in the number are counted as even numbers. The other digits will obviously be odd numbers or even numbers.  

Here is a random number I’m going to use: 5097356

First, count up the number of Even digits in your number. For me there is a zero and a 6. So I write down: 2 (Remember to count all zeros as even numbers).

Second, count up the number of Odd digits in your random number. (For me it is 5) and write it down alongside the first count. I now get: 25. (It's important to write down the even number first, and the odd number second.)

Finally, add up the odd and even digits in your random number and write that total down also (for me it is 7). So, my answer so far is: 257. You will have a completely different number from me.

Now take that new number you have created (mine is 257), repeat the count for Evens, and Odds, total it, and write down your third number. Repeat the count process with the new number until it gives you the same three digit number each time (that may take a few cycles) – and you will find that number is 123! See? I told you it was easy! And it was terribly easy for me to say what your final number was!

Starting with something completely random chosen with absolute freedom, you have ended with something completely predictable. Remarkably, if you make one mistake on the way it will not wreck the process – if the later steps are correct you’ll still end up with 1,2,3.

Even if God starts with something apparently completely random or chaotic He can bring it all to a very simple and amazing conclusion. Like Order out of Chaos. For Him it's child's play.
